Source code for skan.pipe

import os
from . import pre, csr
import imageio
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
from skimage import morphology
import pandas as pd
from .image_stats import image_summary
from skimage.feature import shape_index
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import multiprocessing as mp

CPU_COUNT = int(os.environ.get('CPU_COUNT', mp.cpu_count()))

def _get_scale(image, md_path_or_scale):
    """Get a valid scale from an image and a metadata path or scale.

    image : np.ndarray
        The input image.
    md_path_or_scale : float or image filename
        The path to the file containing the metadata, or the scale.

    scale : float
    scale = None
        scale = float(md_path_or_scale)
    except ValueError:
    if md_path_or_scale is not None and scale is None:
        md_path = md_path_or_scale.split(sep='/')
        meta = image.meta
        for key in md_path:
            meta = meta[key]
        scale = float(meta)
        if scale is None:
            scale = 1  # measurements will be in pixel units
    return scale

def process_single_image(
        filename, image_format, scale_metadata_path, threshold_radius,
        smooth_radius, brightness_offset, crop_radius, smooth_method
    image = imageio.v2.imread(filename, format=image_format)
    scale = _get_scale(image, scale_metadata_path)
    if crop_radius > 0:
        c = crop_radius
        image = image[c:-c, c:-c]
    pixel_threshold_radius = int(np.ceil(threshold_radius / scale))

    pixel_smoothing_radius = smooth_radius * pixel_threshold_radius
    thresholded = pre.threshold(
    quality = shape_index(image, sigma=pixel_smoothing_radius, mode='reflect')
    skeleton = morphology.skeletonize(thresholded) * quality
    framedata = csr.summarize(csr.Skeleton(skeleton, spacing=scale))
    framedata['squiggle'] = np.log2(
            framedata['branch-distance'] / framedata['euclidean-distance']
    framedata['scale'] = scale
            columns={'mean-pixel-value': 'mean-shape-index'},
    framedata['filename'] = filename
    return image, thresholded, skeleton, framedata

[docs]def process_images( filenames, image_format, threshold_radius, smooth_radius, brightness_offset, scale_metadata_path, crop_radius=0, smooth_method='Gaussian', num_threads=CPU_COUNT ): """Full pipeline from images to skeleton stats with local median threshold. Parameters ---------- filenames : list of string The list of input filenames. image_format : string The format of the files. 'auto' is automatically determined by the imageio library. See imageio documentation for valid image formats. threshold_radius : float The radius for median thresholding, smooth_radius : float in [0, 1] The value of sigma with which to Gaussian-smooth the image, **relative to `threshold_radius`**. brightness_offset : float The standard brightness value with which to threshold is the local median, `m(x, y)`. Use this value to offset from there: the threshold used will be `m(x, y) + brightness_offset`. scale_metadata_path : string The path in the image dictionary to find the metadata on pixel scale, separated by forward slashes ('/'). crop_radius : int, optional Crop `crop_radius` pixels from each margin of the image before processing. smooth_method : {'Gaussian', 'TV', 'NL'}, optional Which method to use for smoothing. num_threads : int, optional How many threads to use for computation. This should generally be set to the number of CPU cores available to you. Returns ------- results : generator The pipeline yields individual image results in the form of a tuple of ``(filename, image, thresholded_image, skeleton, data_frame)``. Finally, after all the images have been processed, the pipeline yields a DataFrame containing all the collated branch-level results. """ image_format = None if image_format == 'auto' else image_format results = [] image_results = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as ex: future_data = { ex.submit( process_single_image, filename, image_format, scale_metadata_path, threshold_radius, smooth_radius, brightness_offset, crop_radius, smooth_method ): filename for filename in filenames } for completed_data in tqdm(as_completed(future_data), total=len(filenames)): image, thresholded, skeleton, framedata = completed_data.result() filename = future_data[completed_data] results.append(framedata) image_stats = image_summary( skeleton, spacing=framedata['scale'][0] ) image_stats['filename'] = filename image_stats['branch density'] = ( framedata.shape[0] / image_stats['area'] ) j2j = framedata[framedata['branch-type'] == 2] image_stats['mean J2J branch distance'] = ( j2j['branch-distance'].mean() ) image_results.append(image_stats) yield filename, image, thresholded, skeleton, framedata yield pd.concat(results), pd.concat(image_results)