import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import collections
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import networkx as nx
from skimage import img_as_float, morphology
from skimage.color import gray2rgb
def _normalise_image(image, *, image_cmap=None):
image = img_as_float(image)
if image.ndim == 2:
if image_cmap is None:
image = gray2rgb(image)
image = plt.get_cmap(image_cmap)(image)[..., :3]
return image
def pixel_perfect_figsize(image, dpi=80):
"""Return the Matplotlib figure size tuple (w, h) for given image and dpi.
image : array, shape (M, N[, 3])
The image to be plotted.
dpi : int, optional
The desired figure dpi.
figsize : tuple of float
The desired figure size.
>>> image = np.empty((768, 1024))
>>> pixel_perfect_figsize(image)
(12.8, 9.6)
hpix, wpix = image.shape[:2]
return wpix / dpi, hpix / dpi
def overlay_skeleton_2d(
color=(1, 0, 0),
"""Overlay the skeleton pixels on the input image.
image : array, shape (M, N[, 3])
The input image. Can be grayscale or RGB.
skeleton : array, shape (M, N)
The input 1-pixel-wide skeleton.
Other Parameters
image_cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
If the input image is grayscale, colormap it with this colormap.
The default is grayscale.
color : tuple of float in [0, 1], optional
The RGB color for the skeleton pixels.
alpha : float, optional
Blend the skeleton pixels with the given alpha.
dilate : int, optional
Dilate the skeleton by this amount. This is useful when rendering
large images where aliasing may cause some pixels of the skeleton
not to be drawn.
axes : matplotlib Axes
The Axes on which to plot the image. If None, new ones are created.
axes : matplotlib Axes
The Axis on which the image is drawn.
image = _normalise_image(image, image_cmap=image_cmap)
skeleton = skeleton.astype(bool)
if dilate > 0:
selem = morphology.disk(dilate)
skeleton = morphology.binary_dilation(skeleton, selem)
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
image[skeleton] = alpha * np.array(color) + (1-alpha) * image[skeleton]
return axes
def overlay_euclidean_skeleton_2d(
"""Plot the image, and overlay the straight-line skeleton over it.
image : array, shape (M, N)
The input image.
stats : array, shape (M, N)
Skeleton statistics.
Other Parameters
image_cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
The colormap to use for the input image. Defaults to grayscale.
skeleton_color_source : string, optional
The name of the column to use for the skeleton edge color. See the
output of `skan.summarise` for valid choices. Most common choices
would be:
- skeleton-id: each individual skeleton (connected component) will
have a different colour.
- branch_type: each branch type (tip-tip, tip-junction,
junction-junction, path-path). This is the default.
- branch-distance: the curved length of the skeleton branch.
- euclidean-distance: the straight-line length of the skeleton branch.
skeleton_colormap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
The colormap for the skeleton values.
axes : matplotlib Axes object, optional
An Axes object on which to draw. If `None`, a new one is created.
axes : matplotlib Axes object
The Axes on which the plot is drawn.
image = _normalise_image(image, image_cmap=image_cmap)
summary = stats
# transforming from row, col to x, y
coords_cols = (['image_coord_src_%i' % i for i in [1, 0]]
+ ['image_coord_dst_%i' % i for i in [1, 0]])
coords = summary[coords_cols].values.reshape((-1, 2, 2))
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
color_values = summary[skeleton_color_source]
cmap = plt.get_cmap(
skeleton_colormap, min(len(np.unique(color_values)), 256)
colormapped = cmap((color_values - np.min(color_values)) /
(np.max(color_values) - np.min(color_values)))
linecoll = collections.LineCollection(coords, colors=colormapped)
return axes
def overlay_skeleton_2d_class(
"""Plot the image, and overlay the skeleton over it.
skeleton : skan.Skeleton object
The input skeleton, which contains both the skeleton and the source
Other Parameters
image_cmap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
The colormap to use for the input image. Defaults to grayscale.
skeleton_color_source : string or callable, optional
The name of the method to use for the skeleton edge color. See the
documentation of `skan.Skeleton` for valid choices. Most common choices
would be:
- path_means: the mean value of the skeleton along each path.
- path_lengths: the length of each path.
- path_stdev: the standard deviation of pixel values along the path.
Alternatively, a callable can be provided that takes as input a
Skeleton object and outputs a list of floating point values of the same
length as the number of paths.
skeleton_colormap : matplotlib colormap name or object, optional
The colormap for the skeleton values.
vmin, vmax : float, optional
The minimum and maximum values for the colormap. Use this to pin the
colormapped values to a certain range.
axes : matplotlib Axes object, optional
An Axes object on which to draw. If `None`, a new one is created.
axes : matplotlib Axes object
The Axes on which the plot is drawn.
mappable : matplotlib ScalarMappable object
The mappable values corresponding to the line colors. This can be used
to create a colorbar for the plot.
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
if skeleton.source_image is not None:
axes.imshow(skeleton.source_image, cmap=image_cmap)
if callable(skeleton_color_source):
values = skeleton_color_source(skeleton)
elif hasattr(skeleton, skeleton_color_source):
values = getattr(skeleton, skeleton_color_source)()
raise ValueError(
'Unknown skeleton color source: %s. Provide an '
'attribute of skan.csr.Skeleton or a callable.'
% skeleton_color_source
cmap = plt.get_cmap(skeleton_colormap, min(len(np.unique(values)), 256))
if vmin is None:
vmin = np.min(values)
if vmax is None:
vmax = np.max(values)
mapping_values = (values-vmin) / (vmax-vmin)
mappable =, vmax), cmap)
mappable._A = mapping_values
colors = cmap(mapping_values)
coordinates = [
skeleton.path_coordinates(i)[:, ::-1]
for i in range(skeleton.n_paths)
linecoll = collections.LineCollection(coordinates, colors=colors)
return axes, mappable
def sholl_shells(center, radii, *, axes=None, **kwargs):
"""Draw concentric circles around a center point.
center : array of float, shape (2,)
The center of the circles. This should be in NumPy-style row/column
radii : array of float, shape (N,)
The radii of the concentric circles.
axes : matplotlib Axes, optional
The axes on which to draw the circles. If None, create a new instance.
axes : matplotlib Axes
The axes on which the circles were drawn
patches : list of matplotlib Patches
The patch objects that were drawn.
Additional keyword arguments are passed directly to the
`matplotlib.patches.Circle` call. Valid keywords include ``edgecolor``,
``linestyle``, and `linewidth``. See matplotlib documentation for details.
row, col = center
color = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'cornflowerblue')
circles = [
Circle((col, row), radius=r, fill=False, edgecolor=color, **kwargs)
for r in radii
if axes is None:
_, axes = plt.subplots()
for c in circles:
return axes, circles
def pipeline_plot(
figsize=(9, 9)
"""Draw the image, the thresholded version, and its skeleton.
image : array, shape (M, N, ...[, 3])
Input image, conformant with scikit-image data type
specification [1]_.
thresholded : array, same shape as image
Binarized version of the input image.
skeleton : array, same shape as image
Skeletonized version of the input image.
stats : pandas DataFrame
Skeleton statistics from the input image/skeleton.
Other Parameters
figure : matplotlib Figure, optional
If given, where to make the plots.
axes : array of matplotlib Axes, optional
If given, use these axes to draw the plots. Should have len 4.
figsize : 2-tuple of float, optional
The width and height of the figure.
smooth_method : {'Gaussian', 'TV', 'NL'}, optional
Which denoising method to use on the image.
fig : matplotlib Figure
The Figure containing all the plots
axes : array of matplotlib Axes
The four axes containing the drawn images.
.. [1]
if figure is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
2, 2, figsize=figsize, sharex=True, sharey=True
axes = np.ravel(axes)
fig = figure
if axes is None:
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
axes = [ax0] + [
fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i, sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0)
for i in range(2, 5)
axes = np.ravel(axes)
axes[0].imshow(image, cmap='gray')
axes[1].imshow(thresholded, cmap='gray')
overlay_skeleton_2d(image, skeleton, axes=axes[2])
overlay_euclidean_skeleton_2d(image, stats, axes=axes[3])
fig.subplots_adjust(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
return fig, axes
def _clean_positions_dict(d, g):
for k in list(d.keys()):
if k not in g:
del d[k]
elif == 0:
def overlay_skeleton_networkx(
csr_graph, coordinates, *, axis=None, image=None, cmap=None, **kwargs
"""Draw the skeleton as a NetworkX graph, optionally overlaid on an image.
Due to the size of NetworkX drawing elements, this is only recommended
for very small skeletons.
csr_graph : SciPy Sparse matrix
The skeleton graph in SciPy CSR format.
coordinates : array, shape (N_points, 2)
The coordinates of each point in the skeleton. ``coordinates.shape[0]``
should be equal to ``csr_graph.shape[0]``.
Other Parameters
axis : Matplotlib Axes object, optional
The Axes on which to plot the data. If None, a new figure and axes will
be created.
image : array, shape (M, N[, 3])
An image on which to overlay the skeleton. ``image.shape`` should be
greater than ``np.max(coordinates, axis=0)``.
**kwargs : keyword arguments
Arguments passed on to `nx.draw_networkx`. Particularly useful ones
include ``node_size=`` and ``font_size=``.
if axis is None:
_, axis = plt.subplots()
if image is not None:
cmap = cmap or 'gray'
axis.imshow(image, cmap=cmap)
gnx = nx.from_scipy_sparse_array(csr_graph)
# Note: we invert the positions because Matplotlib uses x/y for
# scatterplot, but the coordinates are row/column NumPy indexing
positions = dict(zip(range(coordinates.shape[0]), coordinates[:, ::-1]))
_clean_positions_dict(positions, gnx) # remove nodes not in Graph
nx.draw_networkx(gnx, pos=positions, ax=axis, **kwargs)
return axis